Highbury Square 1

Highbury Square 2

the places where football history was written because until 2006 there was the Arsenal Stadium also called Highbury. Arsenal played their matches here 93 years before moving a mile away in the Emirates Stadium. The stadium has been converted in a residential area but keeping the original shape. The stands are now buildings of apartment and the pitch is a central garden. Owning one of the apartment is a dream for every fan of Gunners and also the former player Robert Pires bought one. Is is easy to imagine how the character of Nick Hornby novel, Fever Pitch, would have booked one for sure, remembering how the writer was able to transmit the passion of a supporter for a team.

For discovering how it was the original place it could be funny to watch the movie inspired by the novel where a young Colin Firth interpreted the main character, even though the movie is more concentrated on the relationship between him and her colleague than the passion for football.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMr2daGzvnk&w=960&h=720]